Post by Prof. Wesley Conway on May 1, 2009 17:52:33 GMT -6
I have some suggestions.. they are not the best, but they may help a bit.. One, is you could add a cbox? Just a place for people to get to know each other better.. Of course there is a chance of getting more spammers, but you should be able to easily ban them.. but I usually am more willing to join when their is a cbox.. You could either post it on the main board, or if you didn't want it to be that public, you could post it in a board on the site.. Two, Different skins, including a better looking one for the main page.. I have found a couple skins that I liked, but when I am not logged in the skin is pretty blank.. if you wanted I could make a skin that everybody would see before they joined up, may make them more willing as it would look more organized.. So far the site is looking great, and it actually has quite a few members for not being that old. I think you should probably either put on side tables, or get a complete information center for the top of the site.. It could have things like; Quick News, Important Links, Housepoints, Top member of the month, Top couple of the month, plot, staff names... stuff like that. Also, I suggest a banner for the site.. you could hold a site banner making contest? I'd definitely join that Well that's all for now, heh.
Post by Prof. Wesley Conway on May 1, 2009 19:55:50 GMT -6
Sorry for double posting, I have some codes to suggest..
One is
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.getElementsByTagName('td').item(2).style.display="none"; //--> </script>
It will make it so you don't have the
"Hey, name here, you have 0 messages, 0 are new."
That way the banner will fit better, and it will look more organized.. To replace that, I suggest a PM bar:
<!-- ~_-`{PM Bar v3.0 by Malagrond}`-_~
++This header must stay intact to use this script. [url]http://pbhelpnet.proboards101.com/[/url]
//--> <!-- Begin Pm Bar DIV ++ Do not edit this!! //--> <div id="pmBarver3"> <table><tr id="topRow" class="titlebg"><td width="85%">PM Bar</td><td width="15%"></td></tr> <tr><td width='85%'>Welcome, <i>Guest</i>!</td></tr><tr><td width='85%'><span>Please <b><a href='index.cgi?action=login'>Login</a></b> or <b><a href='index.cgi?action=register'>Register</a></b></span></td></table> </div> <!-- End Pm Bar DIV ++ Do not edit this!! //-->
<!-- Begin Pm Bar Script ++ Do not edit this!! //--> <script> var get = document.getElementsByTagName("TD"); var pmNew = get[2].innerHTML.split(' are new')[0].split(',')[3]; pmNew = pmNew.split(' is new')[0]; var totalPms = get[2].innerHTML.split(' message')[0].split("\, you have ")[1]; totalPms = removeHTMLTags(totalPms); var topRow = '<table><tr class="titlebg" id="topRow"><td width="85%">PM Bar</td><td width="15%">Quick Jump</td></tr>';
if(pb_username!="Guest"){ if(pmNew==0){ var pmMsg = "no new messages"; } else { var pmMsg = pmNew+" new messages"; } document.getElementById("pmBarver3").innerHTML = topRow+"<tr><td width='85%'><span>Welcome, <i>"+pb_displayname+"</i>!</span></td><td width='15%' style='text-align:right;'><select id='jumpMenu' onchange='pmMenuJump()' style='width:100%;'><option value=''>(Select One)</option><option value='pm'>Inbox</option><option value='pmsend'>Send Pm</option><option value='pm&view=2'>Outbox</option><option value='pmprefs'>PM Preferences</option><option value='modifyprofile&user="+pb_username+"'>Modify Profile</option><option value='recent'>Most Recent Posts</option></select></td></tr><tr><td width='85%'><span>You have <a href='index.cgi?action=pm'>"+pmMsg+"</a> ("+totalPms+" total).</span></td><td width='15%' style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>"; }
function pmMenuJump(){ location.href = "/index.cgi?action="+document.getElementById("jumpMenu").value; } function removeHTMLTags(inputText){ var strInputCode = inputText; strInputCode = strInputCode.replace(/&(lt|gt);/g, function (strMatch, p1){ return (p1 == "lt")? "<" : ">"; }); var strTagStrippedText = strInputCode.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ""); totalPms = strTagStrippedText; return totalPms; } </script> <!-- End Pm Bar Script ++ Do not edit this!! //-->
<!-- Begin Pm Bar Styles ++ You can edit this. //--> <style> #pmBarver3 { border:1px dashed #000; width:91%; position:relative; left:4%; padding:3px; } #pmBarver3 table { width:100%; border:1px solid #000; padding:1px; } #topRow, #topRow td { padding:3px; border:1px solid #000; } </style> <!-- End Pm Bar Styles ++ You can edit this. //--> <!-- End PM Bar v3.0 by Malagrond //-->
Both those codes go in the Main Header